Detaching, elevating the Schneider's membrane
Detach and elevate the Meissner's membrane using the Benex sinus elevators.The fine membrane rests on the sinus floor with a virtual slit.
The elevator's own weight is enough to detach/elevate the mucosa.
Expose the mucosa at a low subantral bone height without osteotome (like the fenestration technique). Before inserting the sinus elevators here, detach the membrane circularly with a fine instrument.
In opening the access with the osteotome, the mucosa is detached circularly during insertion of the convex osteotome and the sinus elevators can be directly inserted.
While elevating the mucosa, the end of the instrument always has to maintain contact with the bone. Elevate the mucosa circularly with the back of the instrument.
The four different lengths/curvatures of the elevator shaft enable trouble-free, circular work to be performed.